Trade School

Our school system also was Blessed by our Lord Jesus Crist. For example, the school/feed program today includes not two but 8 schools in different Villages in Mozambique and today we assist 450 kids instead of the original 23 kids and our staff board consists of 22 teachers including Pastor Paulo Roia that coordinate all the activities. We teach them how to Pray before meals, how to interact with others, wash hands and wait for all the kids to be served in order to start eating. Even though the ages are from 3 – 5, they learn a little bit of Portuguese and English (letters plus a few phrases in both languages); a little bit of math and numbers and many histories about Jesus… It is known that if you really learn at early stages of your life, you never forget. We Pray that our kids keep Jesus in their life forever.

God is also supporting a Ministry in Brazil with 95 kids with a hot meal a day, and I boldly say that God is the one Who is bring all of us together so I boldly say to God be the Glory, can you say Amen?

Trade Schools are available for students in Mozambique who are 18 years and older. School is currently online, but a physical building is in the works.

Online classes are related to Computer Science, Music and Teacher Training (for teachers of their villages). Physical location classes will be related to Auto Mechanics Carpentry and Welding.